Meet the Kenesto Management Team

Michael Payne
Mike is a serial engineering, CAD, and PLM entrepreneur. As a prolific technologist, Mike co-founded several innovative technology companies, including PTC, SOLIDWORKS, and SpaceClaim. Now, he has turned to revolutionizing the concept of Document Management, Cloud Storage, and Collaboration and Execution with Kenesto.
Mike’s educational background includes Pace University (MBA, Management); King’s College London (MSc, Physics); University of Southampton. At Northeastern University, he taught courses in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
Mike is also a COE Fellow, as well as a CAD Society Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.

Gil Magor
Chief Technology Officer
Gil has more than 25 years experience of software development, management, and integration. Prior to becoming CTO at Kenesto, Gil was a project manager, architect, and team leader at Yael Software & Systems, a provider of healthcare computing services; a partner at Orange Cellular; and Clarizen, where he was responsible for external applications integration allowing customers to use their desktop applications to interact with Clarizen Web services. Gil’s motto is, Anything is doable!”

Tom Greaves
Chief Operating Officer
Previously Greaves served as chief marketing officer at DotProduct, a 3D point cloud software company and before that as executive director of Cyark, a non-profit dedicated to documenting cultural heritage in 3D. Greaves was also founder and CEO of Spar Point Research which launched the SPAR conferences for 3D laser scanning in 2004.
Greaves holds a Management of Technology degree from the Sloan School at MIT, an M.Sc. Physics from the University of British Columbia and a B.Sc. in Physics from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario.

Vic Sanchez
Vic is a seasoned executive with industry experience and go-to-market skills. Prior to Kenesto, Vic held executive positions at Assemble Systems, Inforbix, Newforma, and Autodesk. Vic holds a B.S. degree in both Chemistry and Computer Science from the University of Miami and a Master’s Degree in Engineering from Arizona State University.