Yellow Jacket Space Program, a prestigious student team at Georgia Tech, has found a powerful ally in Kenesto for its CAD and file management needs. This collaboration has significantly enhanced the program’s efficiency and productivity, propelling its ambitious mission to send a liquid-fueled rocket to space.

Before implementing Kenesto, the team relied on Solidworks files stored in a SharePoint drive, which lacked version control and file checkout capabilities. This hindered their ability to collaborate effectively and maintain organization.

Kenesto’s seamless integration with Solidworks and Microsoft Office files has revolutionized Yellow Jacket Space Program’s workflows. The platform’s intuitive interface and robust features have empowered the team to manage their CAD files efficiently, accelerating their ability to innovate and create cutting-edge rocket designs.

The team is currently focused on using Kenesto for their Vespula rocket, targeting a 100,000-foot launch mid-next year. Kenesto’s support has been instrumental in streamlining the design process and ensuring the project’s success.

Yellow Jacket Space Program first heard about Kenesto from the Yellow Jacket Flying Club, who recommended the platform based on their positive experiences.

By leveraging Kenesto’s advanced capabilities, Yellow Jacket Space Program has improved its operational efficiency. The partnership is a testament to how technology can empower organizations to achieve their ambitious goals and make significant strides in scientific advancement.