What’s new in Kenesto
What’s new in Kenesto Web Application
Click on the + symbol to expand the list or article.
- 3D viewer update
- 3D viewer update
- Assembly ref update
- Redesign of MSG system
Egnyte connector login resolution
Asset Deletion fix
Bug-Fix – moving files from root
- Administration web display fix
- Background application update
- Comments on checked in files or folders were not saved and did not show in the versions.
- Fix for total Active Users shown in the admin panel.
- Backend performance improvements
- Creo assembly file fix in 3D viewer
- Private Group user visibility restriction
- Database structure update
- Update to locking file functionality.
- Update to PDF application.
- PDF Split Open Search interaction allowing documents to be fully searched.
- Access calculations shown in the drive for project participants.
- Allowing project creator to set owner (themself) as a project administrator.
- API endpoint for setting project owner as project administrator
- Change project ownership access bug fix
- PDFBilt additional functionality
- CRM updates
- Updates to additional encryption functionality
- Change project ownership access repair
- Drive messages sent when operation processed
- Background improvements for speed
- Update for support of Revit multiuser mode
- Background improvements for geolocation
- Separation of PDF view / PDF view and share / PDF markup tools
- Internet status recognition improvements
- Check in dialog improvements.
- Switching users – Projects Bar refresh fix
- NX – Update files sequence support
- Offline error messages fix
- DNS fallback to IP upon naming resolution failure
- Default Proxy configuration settings
- Improved SMS Two Factor Authentication for +86 (China)
- Drive – Offline structure save before cache initialized – fix
- Drive – Merge long path exception handling
- Drive – Loading offline structure – initialization window.
- Drive – Re-Login when password changes / token expires
- SW 2022 Custom Attributes Support
- Support of task creation from within PDF viewer when identifying actions with shared viewers
- Custom Forms (Objects) creation failure
- Bug fix – background data
- Updated Drivers
- Feature implementation
- Feature Implementation
- Feature implementation
- Bug fix – moving vaulted folders is now allowed if source and target are vaulted.
- Bug fix – PDFBilt viewer was trying to save vaulted file that was not checked out
- API Endpoints added
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- API Zip Folder Content bug fix
02/20/2021 – Version
- Drive Messaging Infrastructure – messages are now being pushed using SignalR .net Core 5.0
- Bug Fixes:
- Project permissions failed due to invalid links created.
- Drive crashed (on non-Kenesto environment) when opening file versions
- Microsoft Teams authorized application configuration was set for to allow drive data to be received (non-Kenesto env)
- Server – Fast Locking mechanism support based on SignalR
11/30/2020 – Version
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
11/08/2020 – Version
- Fast locking bug fix when user is disconnected
- Web UI Export users bug fix
- Server access calculation improvement
10/30/2020 – Version
- Exporting BOM structure to Excel fix
10/14/2020 – Version
- API changes – AddUsersToCompanyUsingExternalAuthentication
09/27/2020 – Version
- Workflow and Tasks performance enhancements.
09/13/2020 – Version
- Backend performance improvements: smart caching and faster database access
- Backend process and access calculations monitoring
08/30/2020 – Version
- Improvements to access calculation mechanism.
- Fixed ability to follow a link in the “Where used” tab
- Default sorting for the documents and folders changed to be sorted by asset name.
- Added ability to attach multiple existing documents to a workflow.
08/16/2020 –
- Cross Organizations Projects –
- Files added were not seen on drive for members that are not part of the project’s organization – fixed
- Duplicate project folders appears after update – fixed
- Files access was not properly set after permissions changes – fixed
08/02/2020 –
- Project manager cannot edit BOMs or parts that another user has added.
- Can’t add the same existing part to multiple BOMs.
- Project manager cannot add existing parts that another user has added.
- When the user rename a part, the new name does not show up in the part page.
07/19/2020 –
- Create project option to include project administrators as project managers
- Export tables data to excel instead of csv file.
- Multiple parts with the same name not allowed in Data tab – bug fix.
- Save the last visited table page that the user was on – bug fix.
07/12/2020 –
1. A person who originally uploads the file has the ability to change versions and edit parts. Even though a Project Manager, I cannot update versions or edit documents that I did not originate.
2. Project Manager unable to edit a part in the Data tab that was not uploaded by him.
3. Files\Versions Comparison window has been improved.
06/28/2020 –
- Addition of area measures in data.
06/14/2020 –
- Sharing a file or a folder email link allows to open the file or folder location on the user’s file explorer if the drive is installed and running.
The shared file or folder appears as selected in windows files explorer.
05/31/2020 – version
- Fix for a single file download link
- Bug Fixes:
Issue Type | Issue key | Summary |
Bug | KBT-49 | Cannot find custom attribute in anywhere |
Bug | KBT-47 | When responding to task created from the drive without logging in an error presented |
Bug | KBT-42 | Task assigned in a project does not appear in a project |
Bug | KBT-41 | Not show existing document tree for workflow |
Bug | KBT-40 | Wrong name field of workflow |
Bug | KBT-39 | An empty dialog appears when edit task |
Bug | KBT-38 | Failed to save license |
New Feature | KBT-19 | Cache scan should identify un uploaded files and notify the user |
Bug | KBT-43 | “Select Type” should not be an option |
04/05/2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
02/16/2020 – Version
- Storage provider v2
- Bug fixes
02/09/2020 – Version
- Storage providers
- Bug fixes
01/26/2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
01/19/2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
01/05/2020 – Version
- Bug Fixes
- Infrastructure updates.
12/15/2019 – Version
New in this version:
- Bug fixes
12/08/2019 – Version
New in this version:
- Freeze/Unfreeze API.
- Bug fixes
04/14/2019 – Version
New in this version:
- Performance issue fixed on the Documents tab – Folders structure was slow build was slow when total number of folders exceeded 5000
- Delete and Move where access rights are combined to one access permission
- Right click menu for folders in the documents tab in WEB App
bug fixes:
KB-7310 | Time in the web is not updated according to the local time – thus modified date displayed under web and under k-drive are different |
KB-7301 | Move under WEB: Fix mouse pointer shape to pointing finger when hovering over ‘Move’ pop up window list |
KB-7150 | Contact Group: A private group, which ownership was changed to a user that is not a member in this group is not displayed at new owner’s contacts list and disappears from all members contacts list |
12/16/2018 – Version
Bug fixes
KB-7229 | Versions under K-Drive & WEB: Datum in ‘Modified Date’ column in ‘Versions’ table should display ‘Storage Modification Date’ |
KB-7154 | 2-Step log-in under WEB: User doesn’t receive SMS to his mobile phone when ‘2-step login’ is executed |
11/25/2018 – Version
KB-7214 | Occasionally locked SW files remain locked after user closed them |
KB-7212 | Move under WEB: Document added by shared user is not displayed at owner of shared parent folder after owner moved it to ROOT |
KB-7208 | Contacts under WEB: Leave ‘Contacts’ drop down list window opened until user clicks anywhere outside this window |
KB-7207 | Contacts under WEB: Internal scroll of ‘Contacts’ drop down list ‘jumps’ uncontrolled when list of contacts is long |
KB-7195 | WEB: Description of shared folder is missing both in email and in folder page at external shared user (not in Kenesto) |
KB-7184 | WEB (& K-Drive): Internal shared user should not see sub-folder that was moved by owner outside from shared parent folder |
KB-7167 | K-Drive & WEB: Only first level folder is displayed at shared internal/partner when owner of shared parent folder moves structure from root into shared parent folder |
KB-7124 | In the web interface both check-in and check-out menu buttons available at the same time |
11/04/2018 – Version
- Dependencies Performance fix
- Requests Log Categories
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7186 | Documents Navigator: Title row in right side of split screen in ‘Documents tab’ should scroll along with table’s content when using horizontal scroll |
KB-7127 | K-Drive & WEB: ‘Dependencies’ table remains empty while counter is updated at shared internal user when owner adds dependency to an explicitly shared document |
KB-7177 | Custom Template: Wording of error message displayed when trying to share custom template with external user changes according to prior error message received |
KB-7176 | Data – Parts: Shared part is displayed twice in ‘Data’ tab (Parts) table at shared partner |
KB-7175 | Discussions: Shared discussion is displayed twice in ‘Discussions’ tab table at shared partner |
KB-7170 | Tasks: Shared task is displayed twice in ‘Tasks’ tab table at shared partner |
KB-7169 | Workflows: Shared workflow is displayed twice in ‘Workflows’ tab table at shared partner |
KB-7165 | WEB: A vaulted document can’t be checked-out via multi select screen unless screen is refreshed first |
KB-7172 | Discussions & Data: Adding a group via ‘Share Discussion’/’Share Part’ pop up window in discussion/part page leads to an error |
KB-7166 | Vault behaviour under WEB (Enhancement): When setting a Vault to a Regular Folder, user should be asked if to apply it to all sub folders, and execute according to user’s answer |
KB-7198 | Dependencies under K-Drive& WEB: Location (path) of dependent files that are not shared should be displayed at shared internal user |
09/30/2018 – Version
- Public / Private users groups support – Groups can be created as public groups (seen and used by all organization members)
- Group owner is not automatically added as a member in the group
- Drive notifications when folder or file are added or when version of a file has changed.
- Check-in by comment are displayed when viewing versions window on a file belongs to a vault
- Locked By Application tooltip was added to file locked by the locking user
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7148 | Contact Group: User who got the ownership of a group in which he is not a member shouldn’t be displayed in group members table |
KB-7147 | Contact Group: Owner of contact group in which he is not a member should not be selected and grey in ‘Add/Remove Members’ list |
KB-7146 | Contact group: Error 500 when admin clicks ‘Change Owner’ for public group he doesn’t own and in which he is not a member |
KB-7145 | Contact Group: Admin who is not the owner of the group should have tools which will enable him to make changes |
KB-7144 | Contact Group: Country prefix missing and wrong mobile phone number in table generated via ‘Export table to CSV’ from contact group page |
KB-7143 | Contact Group: Correct name/title of ‘Creation Date:’ field to ‘Created By:’ |
KB-7142 | Kenesto Selector Widget: JSON result should be empty when user selects a folder he was shared with ‘View’ (or ‘None’ ) permission |
KB-7140 | WEB & K-Drive (Enhancement): Tooltip of versions of vaulted document should display the wording ‘Check-In Comment:’ before the content of the comment |
KB-7139 | Kenesto Selector Widget: Make some UI changes in ‘Thank you for registering Kenesto’ screen |
KB-7138 | Kenesto Selector Widget: Leave some space from right margin in ‘Sign Up for Kenesto Trial’ screen |
KB-7136 | Kenesto Selector Widget: An error message shouldn’t be displayed when user selects an empty folder in ‘Select Documents’ pop up window and response should be closure of pop up window and an empty list in JSON result |
KB-7134 | Kenesto Selector Widget: There should be an appropriate message when user clicks ‘Select’ button without selecting any document in ‘Select Document’ pop up window |
KB-7133 | Kenesto Selector Widget: ‘Kenesto’ logo in ‘Select Document’ pop up window shouldn’t be a link |
KB-7132 | Kenesto Selector Widget: Change folders to look enable (in black) in tree structure of ‘Select Document’ pop up window when ‘Enable multiselect’ check box is unchecked |
KB-7131 | WEB: Right side of split screen in ‘Documents’ tab shouldn’t display shared users folders / documents when ‘My Documents’ root folder is selected |
KB-7123 | WEB (Enhancement): Add the wording ‘Check-In Comment:’ to every comment added to ‘Discussion’ inner tab of document page via Check-In of a vaulted document |
KB-6948 | Discussions: Shared internal or partner can’t see the comment and attached document sent by owner via ‘Discussions’ inner tab in document page (document is not explicitly shared but inside a folder) |
KB-6892 | Documents Navigator: Other user’s folders and documents are displayed under ‘My Documents’ root folder after clicking a folder and then clicking ‘My Documents’ root folder again |
09/16/2018 – Version
New in this version:
- Check-in comment – supported in the drive.
- Drive – versions list display last check-in comment.
- Vaulted sub folders are automatically are set as vault
- Unlock mechanism – frees locked documents when not in use more than 5 minutes
KB-7108 | WEB – Check-In/Tooltip: Comment added to ‘Check-In’ of vaulted document should be reflected in tooltip of the version that is ‘Current’ at the moment of the addition |
KB-7106 | WEB – Check-In/Tooltip: Tooltip in ‘Versions’ inner tab’s table in document page doesn’t refresh automatically to display new comment added to ‘Check-In’ of vaulted document |
KB-7078 | Discussion: Display file extension for document attached via discussion comment |
KB-7051 | WEB: Colon (punctuation) mark (:) is missing after ‘Language’ field in ‘Settings’ – ‘Preferences’ |
09/02/2018 – Version
KB-7102 | WEB: Table display in inner tabs of document page is too small (only one line long) in certain resolution (laptop) |
KB-7100 | Form: User can’t leave item/form page by clicking the same tab or bread crumbs he used when he first tried to leave page without saving (but then saved only after the warning message) |
KB-7095 | Admin: Organization admin can’t inactivate “old” user (older than field ‘authentication provider’ creation date) |
KB-7092 | Form: Unsaved updates in ‘Form’ page are not autosaved and get lost when session times out without no warning |
KB-7088 | Workflow & Template: Workflow’s shared user should see assignee name of a task when that assignee is a group in which he is not a member |
KB-7077 | WEB: ‘File Name’ in ‘Versions’ (and in ‘Where Used’) inner tab’s table of document page should display the extension as well |
KB-6979 | Sign up: Add additional URL parameter for SF code for users who sign up via MCAD Cafe’s banner, so that SF’s leads can be filtered |
08/05/2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7055 | WEB: Most right hand column in some inner tabs in document page are covered by the vertical scroll |
KB-7050 | Admin: New user doesn’t get activation email after Kenesto/organization Admin edits his email address and clicks ‘Resend Invitation’ |
KB-7049 | Admin: Kenesto Admin gets an error message when editing new user’s email address |
KB-7048 | WEB: There is no display of thumbnails for documents which their extension is in capital letters |
KB-7046 | WEB: Display of ‘Versions’ inner tab’s table in document page goes wrong when clicking any title column for sorting |
KB-7045 | WEB: Give ‘Modified’ column in ‘Dependencies’ inner tab in document page more space for display when horizontal scroll is displayed |
KB-7044 | WEB: Content of ‘History’ inner tab’s table in document page deviates when there are many rows and user scroll down |
KB-7042 | WEB: Most right column (trash icon) in table of ‘Tasks’ and ‘Workflows’ inner tabs in document page is covered by scroll |
KB-7040 | WEB: Abort display of horizontal scroll when new ‘Current’ version selected has vertical thumbnail |
KB-7038 | WEB and K-Drive: Exception (error 500) when ‘Sort’ by ‘Owner’ column in ‘Dependencies’ (inner) tab of Document under WEB and under K-Drive |
KB-7035 | Revisions under K-Drive & WEB (Enhancement): ‘Revision Type’ for a document gives the next in the sequence and updates to a new sequence in case user enters/types new ‘Revision Type’ |
07/22/2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7034 | 2-Step log-in under WEB: Pop up window of ‘2-Step Verification’ should not display inactive users in list of users that need to set their mobile phone number |
KB-7032 | WEB: Erase ‘Phone’ column from table in ‘Settings’–>’Admin’ –> ‘All Users’ |
KB-7031 | Workspace: Fails to ‘Add Existing Item’ in ‘Data’ tab in workspace |
KB-7030 | 2-Step log-in under WEB: Pop up window of ‘2-Step Verification’ displays different results when clicked time after time if admin updated mobile phone for a user |
KB-7026 | WEB: Kenesto Admin/organization Admin cannot change ‘User Type’ from ‘Administrator to ‘Standard’ |
KB-7022 | WEB: System collapses when user with multi tenants hover with mouse over ‘Contacts’ icon in top black menu |
KB-7008 | 2-Step log-in under WEB: User doesn’t receive SMS to his mobile phone when ‘2-step log-in’ is executed |
KB-7005 | K-Drive: User shouldn’t get a warning message when first log-in after installing the K-Drive |
KB-6922 | Workspace: Error message when trying to ‘Add/Remove Workspace’ via ‘Worspaces’ inner tab in task page and in workflow page |
07/09/2018 – Version
- New internal communications messaging mechanism.
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7014 | Attributes/Types: Options ‘Edit Custom Attributes’ and Manage Types’ in tabs ‘Tasks’ ‘Data’ ‘Workflows’ and ‘Templates’ are not functioning |
KB-7012 | WEB: Error message when ‘Edit’ an item of Custom Template under ‘Data’ tab |
KB-7011 | Workflow Templates: Error 500 when selecting ‘Compose Task’ from one of parallel tasks that has parallel tasks following it |
KB-7009 | Workflow Templates: Error 500 when selecting ‘Compose Task’ from ‘Start’ task that has already parallel tasks following it |
KB-6720 | WEB: User was removed from a group that shared folder in ‘None’ permission, is being explicitly shared with sub folder in full permissions. Sub folder is not displayed under ‘All Documents’. |
KB-6913 | WEB: Error 500 when trying to make changes in workflow template that was published before and changed back to draft |
KB-7002 | Workspace: Document deleted (‘Delete Reference’) in WS shouldn’t be deleted in K-Drive |
KB-6308 | Access Denied & Error 500 in quick view buttons of shared document, between partners |
06/17/2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-6988 | 2D Viewer: Block the possibility to allow APIs users to view documents via ‘2D Viewer’ |
KB-6983 | (Enhancement) Forms inner tab in Workflow: Add a field called ‘Workflow Number:’ to the Form information section in Form page of ‘Workflows’ tab (‘Forms’ inner tab) |
KB-6982 | Workspace: Using 2 or more html elements in Form Template (Custom Page Template) leads to error 500 once user selects Custom Object from combo box in ‘Data’ tab screen |
KB-6980 | K-Drive & WEB: Change title of ‘Uploaded’ column in ‘Versions’ modal to ‘Modified’ |
KB-6978 | Data / Form: Input field without name in Form Template, leads to collapse of ‘Export’ option in ‘Data’ tab |
KB-6968 | WEB: ‘Download’ option for some file extensions doesn’t work |
KB-6967 | K-Drive: Document (text file) added via copy/paste inside vault leads to exception |
KB-6958 | Workflow Template: The drop down menu/options automatically opened after each ‘Compose Task’ (in workflow template) should be from the recent task added and not from task it was composed from |
KB-6956 | K-Drive: Block the possibility to upload a document in K-Drive outside company tenant |
KB-6953 | WEB: User that was added to a contact group after the group was shared with a document/folder can’t see the shared document/folder |
05/30/2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-6524 | WEB: Not able to add any user to new organization and also different GUI from before |
KB-6422 | GUI: Title of information text is not aligned to the left and not separated by blank line space |
KB-6515 | WEB: ‘Documents’ inner tab of document page should be erased/cancelled (the ‘Dependencies’ option makes ‘Documents’ inner tab redundant) |
KB-6862 | Documents Navigator: Vault icon in left side of split screen is missing at shared partner user |
KB-6875 | Documents Navigator: Shared partner user can’t reach ‘Documents’ tab after refreshing screen while sub folder inside a folder shared with him is selected in left side of split screen |
KB-6917 | WEB: Parallel tasks in template chart and in workflow chart should be sorted by name (alphabetical) |
KB-6918 | WEB: Tasks list in case of reject is not sorted alphabetical in ‘Compose Task’ pop up window of ‘Workflows’ tab |
KB-6919 | WEB: Tasks list is not sorted alphabetical in ‘Tasks’ inner tab of workflow page |
KB-6937 | Documents Navigator: Document was added on ROOT instead of inside a folder when user was quick enough to add it while refresh of right side of split screen occurred |
KB-6929 | WEB: Remove the ‘Search’ in top menu for ‘@kenesto’ users |
KB-6380 | Shared user should not have the option to edit a document |
KB-6435 | Deleted share document still appears in UserB ‘Recent Documents’ widget although UserA deleted the share |
KB-6446 | User B can’t login (to WEB or to K-Drive) due to User A making share and re-share on same shared document with User B under K-Drive |
KB-6453 | WEB: Shared workspace permission ‘Update’ is being violated when internal shared user can add files in folder in general Workspace ‘None’ |
KB-6485 | WEB: Re-Deleted empty folder returns (when restored from archive) with one of ‘old’ deleted documents that was deleted from it |
KB-6498 | WEB: Check mark (V) in ‘Current’ column in table is not showing the updated version |
KB-6943 | Workflow: The drop down menu/options automatically opened after each ‘Compose Task’ should be from the recent task added and not from ‘Start’ task |
KB-6952 | WEB: ‘Install Kenesto Drive’ option in top menu is available only until user first login under K-Drive |
KB-6606 | WEB: The options bubble of the first task of a workflow in ‘Workflow’ inner tab of workflow page, disappears at the moment user clicks on the X to close the success message |
05/06/2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
BUG | Summary |
KB-6937 | Documents Navigator: Document was added on ROOT instead of inside a folder when user was quick enough to add it while refresh of right side of split screen occurred |
KB-6928 | K-Drive: PDF files generated with Autodesk Inventor shows up as corrupt when other users try to open it |
KB-6925 | K-Drive: The “file” ‘Please wait while Kenesto drive is updating!’ shouldn’t be displayed on K-Drive window along with all the other documents and folders |
KB-6903 | K-Drive: All right click ‘Kenesto’ options: ‘Always Cached’, ‘Share’, ‘Versions’. ‘Manage Dependencies’, ‘View’ display an error for documents created after sharing parent folder or explicitly shared at partner side with full permissions |
03/29/2018 – Version
- New SignUp mechanism.
- Documents count added to the Documents Tab
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-6862 | Documents Navigator: Vault icon in left side of split screen is missing at shared partner user |
KB-6891 | Documents Navigator: Only up to 108 items are displayed in right side of split screen (as per wording added to counter of folder from 109 items and up – see bug 6890) even though counter of folder shows the real and correct number of items |
KB-6890 | Documents Navigator: From 109 items and up in right side of split screen some extra wording is displayed near counter of folder |
KB-6886 | K-Drive: Shared partner can’t ‘Check Out’ a document he created in a vault shared with him |
KB-6881 | K-Drive: Shared partner can’t delete a sub folder he created |
KB-6880 | K-Drive: No change in display at shared partner’s K-Drive after owner of shared folder moved shared partner’s sub folder by dragging into another shared partner’s sub folder |
KB-6879 | K-Drive: Shared partner’s document is not displayed in partner’s K-Drive after owner of shared folder moved it by dragging into shared partner’s sub folder |
KB-6878 | K-Drive: Shared partner user with full permissions should be able to move by dragging a document he owns into a sub folder he owns |
KB-6877 | K-Drive: Shared partner user with full permissions should be able to move by dragging a sub folder he owns into another sub folder he owns |
KB-6882 | K-Drive: Shared partner can’t delete a document he created |
KB-6887 | WEB: When shared partner returns to split screen from document page by clicking bread crumbs he gets parsererror and content in right side of split screen is not changing when selecting folders in left side of split screen |
KB-6884 | WEB: Shared partner deleting a document he created inside shared folder leads to parsererror and content in right side of split screen is not changing when selecting folders in left side of split screen |
KB-6883 | WEB: Shared partner deleting a document he created leads to error 500 |
KB-6876 | Documents Navigator: Shared partner user gets ‘parsererror’ after refreshing screen while shared folder is selected in left side of split screen and content is right side of split screen is not changing when clicking any other folder in left side |
KB-6863 | K-Drive & WEB: Fix the order of versions to be sorted as integer and not as string |
03/11/2018 – Version release
- UI changed in the Web App : Documents tab shows a folder tree
- UI changed in the Web App : Documents tab changed from pages to rolling list
Bug Fixes:
KB-6853 | Documents Navigator: Ellipsis for a folder with a long name should be displayed until horizontal scroll is being displayed for left side of split screen |
KB-6846 | Documents Navigator: Clicking on ‘Documents’ in bread crumbs (when there is a path) does’n respond in main split screen of ‘Documents’ tab |
KB-6845 | Documents Navigator: Blue background in rows selected via ‘shift+select’ in multi selection under IE browser |
KB-6844 | Documents Navigator: Cancel ‘Company Documents’ option (for admin) in combo box of ‘Documents’ tab in Workspace |
KB-6842 | Documents Navigator: Marked check boxes in multi select using ‘Shift’ key are not as per user selection when first selected row is clicked not via its check box |
KB-6841 | Documents Navigator: Fix the multi select using ‘Shift’ key to allow clicking anywhere in the desired row and not only its check box |
KB-6840 | Documents Navigator: Last check box selected when using ‘Shift’ key for multi select should have been checked too |
KB-6839 | Documents Navigator: Shared partner with full permissions get exception when clicking ‘Export Table To CSV’ for either his or owner’s sub folder |
KB-6837 | Documents Navigator: Error 500 when shared partner with full permissions double clicks owner’s document located in second level of shared parent folder and then clicks the folder above it in bread crumb to leave document page |
KB-6836 | Documents Navigator: Error message is displayed when shared partner with full permissions double clicks owner’s document located in first level of shared parent folder |
KB-6834 | Documents Navigator: Left side of split screen should be empty (display nothing) when ‘Company Documents’ is selected |
KB-6833 | Documents Navigator; Shared folders owned by others shouldn’t be displayed at shared user’s left side of split screen when ‘My Documents’ is selected |
KB-6828 | Documents Navigator: Parent vault icon in right side of split screen is correct but sub vault icon in right side of split screen is incorrect |
KB-6824 | Documents Navigator: Correct alignment for ‘Name’ column (and all other columns) in ‘Documents’ tab under Firefox & IE browsers |
KB-6821 | Documents Navigation: No display in right side of split screen and the section above it, for 9-10 seconds when changing current folder display to root folder display |
KB-6820 | Documents Navigation: A scroll for left side of split screen is missing when exceeding number of rows that can be displayed in screen |
KB-6819 | Documents Navigator: Icon of a vault should be displayed for vault in left side of split screen |
KB-6818 | Documents Navigator: Leave display of ‘opened’ levels of tree structure in left side of split screen opened when adding a new folder |
KB-6817 | Documents Navigator: Horizontal scroller should be displayed when ‘drilling down’ in tree structure exceeds width of left section in split screen |
KB-6815 | Documents Navigator: A long folder name in left side of split screen exceeding the ‘border’ should be displayed with ellipsis (three dots) |
02/05/2018 – Version release
- Improvements to the server response speed
02/04/2018 – Version release
- KB-6799 EULA appears empty after click wrong icon image in Activation screen
- KB-6783 Allow any user with full permissions to create BOM
- KB-6798 Add ellipsis to task menu header, under workflow diagram
- Internal Kenesto Drive messaging improvement.
02/01/2018 – New version of 3D viewer deployed to production.
- For the latest versions of formats supported for viewing please visit : System Requirements Page
01/28/2018 – Version Release
- Faster responses on check-in and check-out
- Create BOM from document enhancements.
- API – Retrieve current index value – improved
Bug Fixes:
KB-6779 | Error 500: Cannot delete item, under Document page |
KB-6684 | WEB: ‘Description’ column of ‘Parts’ table in ‘Data’ tab should display content of description |
01/21/2018 – Version release build
Kenesto Web:
- BOM creation supports SW-2018
- BOM structure UI columns names consistency
Bug Fixes:
KB-6771 | Adding workflow with workflow template does not keep the assigned user, under document, part, item page |
KB-6770 | Mobile Android: Document is uploading with 0 bytes, from “Downloads” in device |
KB-6769 | KDrive: Tray icon is not spinning when uploading documents, after switch users |
KB-6768 | WEB: ‘History’ inner tab in ‘Custom Page’ of ‘Templates’ tab – ‘Custom Page Templates’ fails to display information of actions made in custom page |
KB-6765 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal user with full permissions can’t move owner’s document into owner’s sub vault |
KB-6740 | Right click Kenesto 125%: There isn’t enough space between some of the columns in table of ‘Versions’ popup window |
KB-6738 | Right click Kenesto 100%: There is an overlap between information display and table content in ‘Where Used’ in ‘Manage Dependencies’ popup window |
KB-6736 | Right click Kenesto 100%: ‘View’ option in ‘Manage Dependencies’ popup window doesn’t work |
KB-6734 | Right click Kenesto 100%: Waiting time of adding dependencies in ‘Manage Dependencies’ popup window is too long and if table is not empty then its content disappears while waiting and reappear when content is updated |
KB-6730 | Move under WEB: ini file shouldn’t be displayed at shared internal user’s K-Drive window when he updates owner’s file via WEB |
KB-6328 | Move: Error message when trying to move vault sub folder between two top folders |
KB-6321 | Move: Shared user can move files and folder when having Download permissions |
KB-6320 | Move: Parent folder owner cannot move document he owns into sub folder of shared user |
KB-6318 | Move: Owner see his own file as grayed out after shared user moved it to sub folder |
KB-6317 | Move: Sub folder is seen both under parent folder and under moved place |
KB-6253 | Move: No need for + icon in case shared user tries to move folder to sub-folder with None permission |
KB-6252 | Move: Fix UI of dotted line in “Move” modal, under folders I don’t own |
01/08/2018 – Bug fix (KB-6773) : While using workspaces, the web interface would require a re-login when switching between workspaces.
What’s new in Kenesto Drive Application
Click on the + symbol to expand the list or article.
- Bug Fix for file check in / out
- Project visibility on creation in drive – bug fix
- Added projects are not sorted in 123ABC order until restart – bug fix
- Messaging infrastructure change support
- Last selected location is opened when drive is restarted after all organizations’ structure retrieved.
- Ability to Zip SolidWorks assembly images and pdf
- In Kenesto menu for sldasm file, please select the option to zip assembly images. A dialog will appear that will show all images and pdf files that are located in the contained folder structure.
Selecting what should be zipped and click on the zip button, choose where to place the zip file and wait for the green success message.
- In Kenesto menu for sldasm file, please select the option to zip assembly images. A dialog will appear that will show all images and pdf files that are located in the contained folder structure.
- Fix for the attribute selection window in the projects bar for the files explorer selected item
- Fix for folder creation issue causing the file explorer to hang.
- Project Bar bug fix
- Project creation map bug fix
- Project Bar reverting fix
- TLS 1.0 com removal
- Project bar enhancement
- Drive Performance enhancements
- Projects Bar multi-organizations display bug fix on start
- Prevent sleep when actively uploading files
- Reset Password link from settings window
- Project Bar search / filtering
- Branding modification
- .NET update
- Dynamic port allocation
- All project view on bar
- Performance mode KPI for single or multi-thread
- Windows Event logging for KPI’s
- Revision of calculation for open documents – resolving memory overflow
- Resolution of delete and immediate replace of same files conflict
- Additional function on closing of application or changing of projects – option to list files still open.
- Increased cycle count on connection status,
- Resolution of offline status reporting as online.
- Offline mode alerts:
- Offline message displayed when drive cannot connect to essential services:
- Internet connection cannot be established
- Kenesto application services cannot be established
- Messaging services cannot be established.
- Offline watermark is displayed on the screen when drive is offline.
- Settings option to hide watermark was added
- Offline message displayed when drive cannot connect to essential services:
- Message to the user that the drive is back online when connection re-established.
- Drive Keeper process running in the background is responsible for restarting the drive if it is stopped unexpectedly or by another application.
- Additional metadata fix
- Bugfix for Excel file rename in addition to 231.
- Upgraded internal driver to align with latest windows updates.
- Excel rename metadata bug-fix.
- Update to .NET Framework 4.8 and Visual Studio 2022.
- Copy / Paste message fix
- Excel temp file bug fix
- Improvements to file handling within projects
- Bug fix for mapped projects
- MFA update to use TOTP Authentication apps. This will replace SMS
- Bug Fix for local network latency and speed
- Branding updates for OEM
- OEM drive format streamlining
- Offline Mode modifications for starting application with no internet connection
- Drive tasks bug fix for DD/MM/YY format
- Windows 11 Pro – Drive Tasks support
- Tasks update bug fix
- Internal connectivity improvements
- Windows explorer update for file move
- Resolution of ghost windows when using multiple displays
- Background data processing updates
- Vaulted folder user use identification
- Address configuration for latest windows operating system updates
- Bug fix for Multi-org environments
- Antivirus identification
- Project bar improvements
- Configuration for file changes with completing tasks
- Bulk check in speed improvements
- U[dates to task process
- Bug Fixes
- Project ownership and management permissions – sharing was now enabled when folder was not owned by project manager.
- Folder Check-In All – window closed upon click
- Set Owner as Project Administrator checkbox is now added to the project creation window as well as to the participants management for setting the project owner project administrator.
- Minor language update
- OEM MFA support using Okta and google authenticator.
- Enabling the MFA support requires the organization to be created with different set of parameters.
- Local API support for getting an indication if a file has pending versions by path or id changes.
- IsFileVersionPendingByPath
- IsFileVersionPendingById
- Local API support for enabling Bulk Upload on the local machine.
- AntiVirus check for required exceptions.
User is notified once a day when drive restarts if rules were not applied. - OEM bulk upload bug fix when folder is selected
- OEM pdf viewer link bug fix.
- Project ownership change allowing the new owner to manage the project.
- Messages sent to the drive to notify of the change
- Drive Checkout all bug fix allowing the folder content to be checked out when temporary files are displayed.
- Drive Archive window data click crash bug fix
- Password support for external authentication when containing ” character.
- Empty vault folder deletion bug fix
- Flush cache menu item added for a single file
- Bug fix for vaulted files initial save
- Improvement to vault
- Update to support Revit Multiuser mode
Bug fixes – occasional crashing
Internet connection detection fix
Flush cache menu option from the project level and any folder for removing the cached files.
- File upload progress bar
- History search function
- RMB Menu Ghost bug-fix
- Vaulted Folder Check in / Check out functionality
- Notification for unexpected drive letter change.
- Internet connectivity is checked against Kenesto servers only
- GeoLocation data is being sent unless explicitly denied by S3 configuration file stored on AWS
- PDF tools separation
- Internet status recognition improvements
- Drive initialization bug fixes
- Check in dialog for checking in multiple files under a vault folder at any level.
- Password change when 2 Factor Authentication is active
- Connectivity failures when posting messages requests
- Hotfix
- Partial files mapping fix – duplicate files were created when files mapping was not properly saved due to windows latest changes.
- Allow multiple selection in Check-In/Out files mixed.
- Uninstall clear user Kenesto folder and Registry entries
- Improved SMS Two Factor Authentication for +86 (China)
- Saving Rhino files along with different applications failure
- Drive performance enhancements and supporting parallel file access and parallel events handling.
- Updated Drivers
- Feature implementation
- Feature Implementation
- Feature implementation
- Bug fix – drive start failure when initializing status window
- Added ability to edit existing SolidWorks custom attributes from the drive by RMB drive properties menu
- Bug fix for drive startup error which may occur when drive starts
- Bug fix
05-23-2021 – Version
- Drive Custom Attributes are stored and shared for the following file types:
- Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Solid Edge (.asm, .prt) files
- Properties menu is added to the File Kenesto menu for displaying file custom attributes in addition to file cache status and extended drive related information.
- Windows Search is enabled for Project Mapped Drives for project files indexing
- When switching between projects it is advised not to index the default drive but use mapped drives instead.
04-04-2021 – Version
- Tasks Management
- Tasks I Own folder – Added to all views allowing the tasks owner to create new tasks and view active tasks.
- Archived Tasks folder – Added when at least on task created by the use is completed or canceled.
- Tasks Assigned to me – allows the user to view active tasks assigned and perform task’s actions.
- Library Folders
- Adding and removing Library folders operations are enabled from the drive via the Projects Bar or RMB on the project folder.
- Bug fixes
- Pinned folders – folders and files creation fix
03-03-2021 – Version
- Fixes a bug that could cause some folders to not upload.
02-28-2021 – Version
- Drive log enhancements
02-21-2021 – Version
- Drive Messaging Infrastructure – messages are now being pushed using SignalR .net Core 5.0
01-24-2021 – Version
- Drive – New Drive Fast Locking Mechanism added for reliability.
The mechanism based on SignalR (Core 5.2) - Drive – Bug fix: Folders and files structure wrong dates issue causing files to be removed from cache
01-05-2021 – Version
- RHINO support
- Bug Fixes
11-29-2020 – Version
- Improvement to the drive startup process speed
- New – Ability to map a project as a local drive
11-08-2020 – Version
- Microsoft Teams tab – search field added
- Drive structure deployment performance improvement
- Drive time offset fixed for encrypted expiration date
10-30-2020 – Version
- Microsoft Teams – required improvements
- Full synchronization between Drive and Teams tab
- Tasks display fixes
- Startup status screen bug fixes
- Not closing occasionally when structure deployed
- Re-enter password form interrupted
- AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT dwg save fix
- Tasks assigned to external user – attached files / upload and download fix
- Tasks details page – Stored Files download fix.
10-14-2020 – Version
- Hidden Projects events handling.
- Lock by Application Mechanism
- Illustrator save and upload problem
10-01-2020 – Version
- Bug fix
09-27-2020 – Version – Major release
- Tasks Management support for tasks assigned to the logged in user.
‘Tasks Assigned To Me’ folder is added when tasks are assigned to the drive user.
Windows File Explorer support for Kenesto Tasks allowing the user to view and manage assigned tasks. - Cache Viewer bug fix when opened under My Files view
- Additional bug fixes and stability improvements
09-13-2020 – Version
- Drive initialization bug fix: locking handshake wait before retrieving structure
08-24-2020 – Version
- Change reported drive size from 1Tb to 10Tb
08-16-2020 – Version
- Hide/Show projects – added to the projects bar menu
- Projects visibility changes was not working after setting hidden projects as visible
08-04-2020 – Version
- Critical fix – when uploading a file the operation is canceled when internet connection is slow after 2 seconds when not receiving progress indication.
This was fixed by removing the check and using the regular connectivity check for available internet connection. - File overwrite issue fixed. This includes Save As exiting file, cached and non cached file
- Copying files to the drive. File upload was not initiated occasionally.
08-02-2020 – Version
- PDF Lock – PDF locked file opened by shared user remains locked as long as the file is opened even if released by the locking user.
- Connectivity and sleep recovery issues fixed.
- Project Bar opening files explorer when switching between organizations and projects.
07-19-2020 – Version
- Bug fix: Non owner cannot switch versions in a project.
- Improvements to Archive window.
07-14-2020 – Version
- Bug fix: fixed a bug in a version change notification mechanism
07-12-2020 – Version
- A New option to compare between two files has been added.
- A New option to check-in multiples files has been added.
- Fast locking improvement – message is displayed when file is changed by other user when file is opened
- Switching projects opened the windows explorer with the selected project
- Project Bar display option is now available in the desktop icon menu
06-28-2020 – Version
- New feature, compare between 2 versions of a document
06-15-2020 – Version
- Bug fix: In some application a “Save as” operation could fail, under certain conditions.
06-14-2020 – Version
- Archived Documents view added to the Drive organization menu allowing users to restore deleted items
- Upload Issues
- Bug fix – Upload large files failed. Issue fixed and supports multipart upload for any files larger than 10MB
- Bug fix – File flush operations rarely caused partial file uploads which resulted in file corruption when write operations continue.
- Bug fix – Internal changes creation – sync copy mechanism could cause copy partial file data.
- Bug fix – Rapid save operations sync upload problem.
- Bug fix – Supporting multiple write to a single file by more than one file opened handlers with write share permissions.
- Pinned Folders
- Bug fix – Restarting drive lost pinned folder definition.
06-04-2020 – Version
- Bug fix : fixes an issue that could cause longer save times in some applications.
06-02-2020 – Version
- Bug fix
06-02-2020 – Version
- Overlay Icons fix
- Overlay Icons precedence change to allow view in windows explorer
- Pinned Folders
- The ability to pin folders so they can be viewed when switching to any project when projects exist in the drive.
- Pinned folders are specific to a user and a machine
- The ability to pin folders so they can be viewed when switching to any project when projects exist in the drive.
- Projects Bar – Organizations are sorted alphabetically
- Opened Files overwrite issue – In case opened files are overwritten by another user, data validation was added to prevent files corruption
04-05-2020 – Version
- Improved Drive Status Window
- Improved Download Mechanism
02-16-2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
02-09-2020 – Version – Major Version
- Storage providers support
- Tasks creation from the drive
- Bug fixes
01-19-2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
01-05-2020 – Version
- Bug fixes
12-15-2019 – Version
- Bug fixes
12-08-2019 – Version
- Frozen file overlay icon
- Support for Navisworks
- Fixed issue with Solid Edge pdf replacement.
- Bug fixes
04-14-2019 – Version – Major release
- Drive is now 64 bit and is upgraded automatically
- Drive is now supporting multiple users on a single machine.
- Drive internal structure fix to support access changes
02-17-2019 – Version
- Sharing window selection usability improvement.
- SolidWorks – Add-In support
- Popup windows visibility bug fixes.
12-16-2018 – Version
Redesigned sharing menu
Bug fixes
KB-7229 | Versions under K-Drive & WEB: Datum in ‘Modified Date’ column in ‘Versions’ table should display ‘Storage Modification Date’ |
KB-7226 | K-Drive: Tooltip with comment typed when check-in of a vaulted document should be displayed when hovering over version’s name in ‘Versions’ panel |
KB-7219 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal shouldn’t get an exception but a friendly message when trying to move by dragging a file or a folder underneath parent folder that was shared with him, into a folder he owns on root |
KB-7216 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal shouldn’t get an exception but a friendly message when trying to move by dragging a file or a folder underneath a folder he owns, into parent folder that was shared with him |
KB-7158 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal user shouldn’t get an exception but a friendly message when trying to move a sub folder or a document that he owns into owner’s folder without sufficient permissions |
KB-6997 | K-Drive: Shared partner can’t see updates made by owner to explicitly shared document if owner updated document first (if this is the first share between them or the prior shares are of explicitly shared documents only) |
11-25-2018 – Version
KB-7210 | K-Drive: Document owned by shared partner is displayed on partner’s root after owner of shared parent folder un-shared it |
KB-7209 | Move under K-Drive: A document moved by owner of shared parent folder from root into shared folder and then back to root shouldn’t be displayed in shared parent folder at shared internal |
KB-7206 | Move under K-Drive: “Item Not Found” when moving (by dragging) a document from root into folder and then back to root |
KB-7203 | Move under K-Drive: Shared partner user shouldn’t get an exception but a friendly message when trying to move a sub folder or a document that he owns into owner’s folder |
KB-7191 | K-Drive: Right click ‘Kenesto’ options ‘Share’ ‘Manage Dependencies’ leads to error message at partner when document is explicitly shared with him |
KB-7167 | K-Drive & WEB: Only first level folder is displayed at shared internal/partner when owner of shared parent folder moves structure from root into shared parent folder |
KB-7153 | K-Drive: A document uploaded by shared user into shared parent folder with ‘Download’ and ‘Upload’ permissions can’t be updated by shared user although he is the owner of this document |
KB-7149 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal shouldn’t get an exception but a friendly message when trying to move by dragging a file or a folder he owns from root into parent folder that was shared with him |
KB-7130 | K-Drive: Document that its ‘Current Version’ was changed to a previous version (via WEB), still displays the latest version both in tooltip and in content of document |
11-04-2018 – Version
- Internal Handling improvements
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7179 | K-Drive: Viewer 2D from the drive in production leads to error 500 |
KB-7151 | K-Drive: Extension of file added by owner to shared parent folder with ‘View’ permission shouldn’t display ‘.lnk’ in notification bubble at shared user |
KB-7137 | K-Drive: When sharing parent folder, there is no notification on change at shared user |
KB-7127 | K-Drive & WEB: ‘Dependencies’ table remains empty while counter is updated at shared internal user when owner adds dependency to an explicitly shared document |
KB-7198 | Dependencies under K-Drive& WEB: Location (path) of dependent files that are not shared should be displayed at shared internal user |
KB-7168 | Notification under K-Drive: Notification is missing at shared internal when owner of shared parent folder moves a folder or a document from root into shared parent folder |
KB-7137 | K-Drive: When sharing parent folder, there is no notification on change at shared user |
09-30-2018 – Version
- Drive notifications when folder or file are added or when version of a file has changed.
- Check-in by comment are displayed when viewing versions window on a file belongs to a vault
- Locked By Application tooltip was added to file locked by the locking user
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7149 | Move under K-Drive: Shared internal user get exception when trying to move by dragging a file he owns from root into shared parent folder with ‘Update’ permission (any permissions except ‘Upload’) |
KB-7122 | K-Drive (Enhancement): Change wording of check box ‘Notify on Changes’ in ‘Settings’ pop up window to be ‘Notify on file or folder added’ |
KB-7114 | K-Drive: New folder added by shared user inside shared parent vault/folder is displayed with no name – both in notification on change bubble and in location inside shared parent vault |
KB-7105 | K-Drive: File extension is missing in ‘Share’ modal and in ‘Versions’ modal under K-Drive |
KB-7067 | K-Drive (Enhancement): A document that shared internal user without ‘Upload’ permission tries to upload shouldn’t be displayed in K-Drive window |
KB-7140 | WEB & K-Drive (Enhancement): Tooltip of versions of vaulted document should display the wording ‘Check-In Comment:’ before the content of the comment |
09-16-2018 – Version
New in this version:
- Check-in comment – supported in the drive.
- Drive – versions list display last check-in comment.
- Unlock mechanism – frees locked documents when not in use more than 5 minutes
KB-7126 | K-Drive: ‘V’ mark is not changing automatically to mark the new ‘Set as current version’ that the user set via ‘Versions’ panel |
KB-7117 | WEB & K-Drive – Comment/tooltip: Tooltip of document name in ‘Versions’ table shouldn’t display ‘Add a Comment’ for a checked-in vaulted document if user didn’t fill this field |
KB-7116 | K-Drive: Checking or unchecking ‘Notify On Changes’ check box in ‘Settings’ window should be applied without restarting K-Drive |
KB-7115 | K-Drive: Folder added by shared internal user inside shared parent vault under WEB is displayed and behaves as regular folder at owner |
KB-7112 | K-Drive: Vault can’t be set to regular folder if it doesn’t have at least one sub vault inside |
KB-7110 | K-Drive: Shared files remain locked at share users after being closed |
KB-7098 | BOM: Some ‘Generate BOM’ fail due to unknown XML format received |
KB-7079 | K-Drive: File extension is missing in ‘Versions’ modals under K-Drive |
KB-7072 | K-Drive & WEB (Enhancement): Add a tooltip when hovering over a version of a vaulted document that reflects the comment added by user when he checked-in the document |
KB-7071 | K-Drive (Enhancement): Add a ‘Add a Comment’ field to a document inside vault when checking-in that document under K-Drive |
09-05-2018 – Version
New drive upgrade on restart mechanism.
08-14-2018 – Version
Interface bug fix
08-14-2018 – Version
KB-7082 | K-Drive: When saving a Civil 3D document the document doesn’t upload |
08-05-2018 – Version
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-7064 | K-Drive: Counter information in ‘Dependencies’ tab of ‘Manage Dependencies’ modal is covered by table |
KB-7059 | K-Drive: Content of ‘Where Used’ tab’s table in ‘Manage Dependencies’ modal deviates when there is a vertical scroll and user sort columns |
KB-7058 | K-Drive: Most right hand column in ‘Revisions’ tab’s table in ‘Manage Dependencies’ modal is covered by the vertical scroll |
KB-7057 | K-Drive under WINDOWS 10: After user makes changes in jpg file, the file doesn’t upload |
KB-7039 | K-Drive: ‘View’ option is missing for documents with .bmp extension under K-Drive |
KB-7038 | WEB and K-Drive: Exception (error 500) when ‘Sort’ by ‘Owner’ column in ‘Dependencies’ (inner) tab of Document under WEB and under K-Drive |
KB-7035 | Revisions under K-Drive & WEB (Enhancement): ‘Revision Type’ for a document gives the next in the sequence and updates to a new sequence in case user enters/types new ‘Revision Type’ |
KB-6305 | Encrypted document is not uploading in KDrive, after switch between internal users |
07-22-2018 – Version
Bug fix, that could cause slddrw files to not be uploaded to Kenesto.
Improved logging mechanism
07-08-2018 – Version
New internal communications messaging mechanism
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-6307 | Cannot view document shared with partner, under KDrive > R. click > View |
KB-6635 | K-Drive: Shared partner can’t open document shared with him if owner updated document after sharing and before shared partner tries to open the document |
06-19-2018 – Version
Improvement for upload/download mechanism
Fix for a bug that could cause file size not to be set correctly
06-08-2018 – Version
Improvements to the upload mechanism
06-05-2018 – Version
Bug fixes
06-04-2018 – Version
Bug Fix
06-01-2018 – Version
Critical bug fix – temporary files size handling
05-30-2018 – Version
File Upload Date being overwritten when renaming the file.
Upload transaction fix
Drive metadata corruption fix
Performance problem when reopening files
Directory enumeration performance caused by redownloading files.
Internal session refactoring due to latency causing data corruption.
Bugs fixed in this version:
KB-6895 | K-Drive: ‘Manage Dependencies’ pop up window displays an error for documents created after sharing parent folder at partner side |
KB-6925 | K-Drive: The “file” ‘Please wait while Kenesto drive is updating!’ shouldn’t be displayed on K-Drive window along with all the other documents and folders |
KB-6903 | K-Drive: All right click ‘Kenesto’ options: ‘Always Cached’, ‘Share’, ‘Versions’. ‘Manage Dependencies’, ‘View’ display an error for documents created after sharing parent folder or explicitly shared at partner side with full permissions |
KB-6375 | Move: Missing “Move” option under document page and quick view & Folder page |
KB-6374 | Move: Cannot move shared file within the top shared folder (no shared folders in “Move” modal) |
KB-6376 | Move: Shared user cannot see the moved folder, after moving child of sub into parent folder |
KB-6377 | Move: Failed to move file I own within the shared top folder |
KB-6379 | Move: No shared folders in “Move” modal for re-shared user & Shared user cannot see the moved folder of re-shared user |
KB-6926 | K-Drive: Offline structure doesn’t keep file attributes |
KB-6931 | K-Drive: File with date when updating a file that was kept open while the drive is closed & reopen |
KB-6405 | KDrive is stuck on “Please wait” after switch user |
KB-6437 | Can’t switch from UserA to UserB under K-Drive (stuck in “Please wait while Kenesto drive is updating!”) – ‘Event’ is received, ‘File’ is created, but Drive doesn’t process the ‘Event’ received |
KB-6440 | K-Drive: A folder’s icon (with file/s inside) does’t change to VAULT icon when ‘Set as Vault’ option is selected. Applies when display is as ‘Medium Icons’ or ‘Large Icons’ |
KB-6445 | K-Drive: A folder’s icon (with file/s inside) does’t change to Folder with arrow pointing down icon when ‘Always Cached’ option is selected. |
KB-6398 | KDrive: Cannot see all 100 dependencies at once |
KB-6732 | Right click Kenesto 100%: Combo box in ‘Versions’ popup window doesn’t respond |
KB-6735 | Right click Kenesto 100%: Combo box in ‘Manage Dependencies’ popup window is not responding for all 3 headlines: ‘Dependencies’, ‘Revisions’, ‘Where Used’ |
KB-6789 | KDrive: Pagination box is not clickable, under Dependencies/Versions |
KB-6601 | K-Drive: Icon of document at Owner under K-Drive does not return to thumbnail of previous version when shared internal user updates version and then deletes version he updated |
KB-6909 | K-Drive: Title row and font size of 2 columns of page ‘2’ in ‘Versions’ modal of a document should be fixed |
KB-6959 | K-Drive: Files are not created in cache for temp files in SolidWorks |
KB-6962 | K-Drive: Document remains locked if it was created after its parent folder was shared and then was updated first by shared user and then by owner |
KB-6954 | When using Solidworks pack-n-go or Solidworks rename, the performance is very slow |
KB-6951 | Files remain locked in the drive |
KB-6961 | K-Drive: Office files created (not copy/paste) inside vault should be automatically ‘Checked-out’ |
KB-6960 | SW-Sunrise: Some of the files created by running Sunrise are displayed as ‘Locked By’ under WEB |
KB-6965 | Move – Regression: User cannot move a document from sub folder to root |
KB-6956 | K-Drive: Block the possibility to upload a document in K-Drive outside company tenant |
05-09-2018 – Version
Internal branding storage location change
05-06-2018 – Version
New backup messaging mechanism
Corrupted files auto-recovery
Open file notification on drive close
Central logging mechanism for the drive error logs.
04-14-2018 – Version
Bug fixes
04-06-2018 – Version
This version has major bug fixes related to session management.
The version also approve the support of offline changes recovery.
04-02-2018 – Version
New mechanism that allows the drive to check for Internet connection.
New recovery dialog on drive startup that will detect un-uploaded files and give user the choice of how to handle the situation.
03-29-2018 – Version
Corrupted cache recovery mechanism
Change to the way structure is received especially in the multi-tenant environments
03-22-2018 – Version
Bug fix: fix for a bug that could in some cases cause creation of corrupt files.
03-11-2018 – Version
Bug fix: fix for issues that can occur when copying large number of files.
02-25-2018 – Version
Improved File Changes sessions mechanism.
02-11-2018 – Version
HotFix – this release fixes a bug that in some occasions caused a Microsoft Word document failure to save a version in the drive
02-10-2018 – Version
Fixed a bug that in some cases caused the files to be re-cached.
Improved handling of the office documents.
02-07-2018 – Version
Fixed a bug that caused creation of double files (files with dates) when using Microsoft Office.
02-05-2018 – Version
Improvements to the drive response speed.
01-30-2018 – Version release
HotFix – Fixed an issue: Under some conditions drive failed to upload Microsoft Office documents.
01-28-2018 – Version release
Drive upload sessions when uploading a large number of files – fix
Faster responses on check-in and check-out
01-21-2018 – Version release
Improved download mechanism
Check-in / Check-out latency fixed
What’s new in Kenesto CAD Add-In
Click on the + symbol to expand the list or article.
08-22-2018 – New version SE and SW
Allows saving of documents from Kenesto to local disk.
05-23-2018 – New version SE
Contains in the internal methods of handling documents, additional debug info.
Makes sure that Get all Document With No Dependencies works correctly
05-06-2018 – New version SW
Contains in the internal methods of handling documents, additional debug info.
Makes sure that Get all Document With No Dependencies works correctly
04-09-2018 – New version for SE and SW add-ins
Adds a check for KDrive being on line – It is a prerequisite for the add-ins
Corrects a bug in Check In List of Documents
Corrects a bug in Get All Documents Without Dependencies and any other which rely on picking a folder